Monday, April 16, 2012


Well another week of baseball is in the books and it was interesting yet again.

On Sunday Red Sox Manager, Bobby Valentine called out one his players,
Kevin Youkilis. Valentine stated he didn't think that Youk was playing with the same intensity and drive as he had previously. Everyone knows a big baseball no no is to call out your player in public. Kevin Youkilis is many things but lacking intensity and heart is not one of them. It's possible Pedroia has a point when he said "Maybe that's how they do things in Japan..."regarding his skippper's comment. As a die hard Yankee fan this stuff is better than the Kardashians reality show.

The Yankees are now 5-4 and that's without Andy Pettitte. If he comes back as 2010 Andy, the Yankees may have the team they having been trying to assemble since 2009 and make Cashman look like the genius he thinks he is. Time will tell.

Don Mattingly is showing the West Coast some East Coast old school ball playing. The Dodgers have magic alright, but it's not Johnson - it's Mattingly.

Last but not least, yesterday was Jackie Robinson Day. On April 15, 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first black player in major league baseball. All the death threats and name calling endured by Jackie can never be imagined. What Jackie Robinson Day should remind us, is that the civil rights movement did not begin at a lunch counter or on a bus in Selma or Birmingham Alabama; but on a ball field in Brooklyn New York. That truly makes me a proud to be a fan.