Sunday, February 12, 2012

How will I go on..

You are gone.
How will I go on..
Never touching your face, kissing your cheek, holding your hand.
How will I go on..
Never hearing your sweet voice telling me you love me or your laugh that cheered me on my darkest days.
How will I go on..
Never feeling your arms around me or your fingers stroke my hair.

How I will go on..
by thinking back to the last time you kissed me, feeling your lips on mine.
How I will go on...
by remembering funny, happy memories with those, who like I, loved you.
How I will go on...
by seeing you in my dreams with your sweet visits to me while I sleep.
How I will go on...
by knowing you are not gone but with me every moment in my heart.
I will go on...
until we meet again.