I hate when the Yankee games are broadcast on Fox Sports Saturday. Not because I necessarily like the YES broadcast better, but becauae I have come to really dislike Tim McCarver.
Tim had his time as a player and even as a color commentary man about a million years ago, but his time has passed. Aside from the fact he makes constant flubs (eg: “Kevin Long had been working with Curtis and Granderson” – HUH?), I can do without the pointing out the obvious during a game. I KNOW what a pitch count clicker looks like. I don’t need Tim to not only tell me what one looks like but how it works. Hey McCarver it’s called a CLICKER – the name really says it all. I also don’t need to be reminded the wall in left field of Fenway is really big – that’s why they call it the Monster. Lastly, I don’t need you to tell me some long winded story about how Bob Gibson pitched 50 years ago.
Frankly, unless it’s a Yankee game or post season baseball, I try to avoid watching Captain Obvious on Fox.
Here is the one thing Captain Obvious has seemed to have overlooked – he has turned into Ralph Kiner!
For the record, I am not too thrilled about his sidekick Joe “do you know who my Dad was” Buck either.
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