Saturday, August 13, 2016

Turning the Yankee page for the next generation

I hate change. I also love sports. Loving sports and hating change are completely counter intuitive. I remember a CEO of a corporation I worked for in my 20's would say "the only thing in life that is certain, is change". No truer words when it comes to the current Yankees.

Over the 30 plus years I have rooted for the Yankees, I like everyone, have seen them come and go. I know trades, retirements and releases are inevitable. In the last 5 years, the Yankees ever changing roster has made me at times frustrated. Two release/retirement announcements, three trades resulting in a countless number of AAA call ups, all since August 1, has made my headspin and is giving the baseball gods a good laugh.

The Yankees, for better or worse, have turned and continue to, turn the page for next the generation. As a faithful fan, I will too.  And who knows, maybe creating the next great Yankee team (fingers crossed). 

As always, Go Yankees! 

1 comment:

  1. So true! Frustrated many times but Yanlees future is looking good. I'm excited about what the Baby Bombers are gonna bring to the table! Go Yankees
